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Austin's Gay Pride Festival

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

An apt description for Austin's Gay Pride Festival this past Saturday, a day filled with wonderful diversity, good company, and just plain fun. And thanks to an enthusiastic team of sangha volunteers facilitated by Ellen and Kim, Appamada and Buddhist Action Now had a booth, one of over100 actually, right in the middle of all the festival action.

We had signs, we had literature, and as tokens we offered beautiful, little Jizo stones that seemed to melt the hearts of everyone. (Thanks to Sabrina Kindell for creating and donating these wonderful Bodhisattva gifts).

The Festival was a great opportunity to come together to celebrate community! On this day, community became conscious action.

Walking With, Walking Through

When the world happens,
Eyes fill with paralyzing tears.
When the lotus blooms,
Hearts fill with a bodhisattva's compassion.

Still . . .
What do we do?
What can we do?
And just how do we do it?

But really, we already know.
The message sings quietly loud through every present moment,
If we but listen.

We are here.
We are here together.
We are walking our vow step by step,
Courageously, with metta,
Arm in arm.

—Joyce Meadows

Kim’s blogpost on the Festival: https://blog.kimmosley.com/2019/08/what-is-buddhism.html